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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Layouts from Designs by Helly kit

I have some more layouts to show you. I didn't get to any quick pages this week. It has been kinda busy...My oldest started preschool, my neighbors son drew with permanent marker on my boat, sidewalk, fence and house, and I have two cakes I need to have done by tomorrow. So, sorry that I didn't get a quick page to you this week. But I hope you still enjoy the layouts!
This kit is called The Places We Will Go and it is fantastic! I am so amazed by some designers talent! You can pick up this kit Here from Enchanted Studio Scraps.
Here is the kit preview:

Here are my layouts:

1 comment:

  1. absolutely gorgeous, very creative.....
    i hope you made him clean it off everything...
    if my kids draw on something they arent supposed to, i make them clean it off and then clean all the walls, at their level, in that same room!!! they dont do it very often.....
